Friday, April 27, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ The Rising Star through Jacob

Written By Fab Batsakis



“…A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.”

Numbers 24:17

Jacob lived in Paddan Aram for many years. Then he received God’s instruction to return to his birthplace of Canaan, in Israel. He’d left his hometown due to family strife and so he could find a non-Canaanite woman.

In Paddan Aram, he’d had heartaches. Though what he touched turned into gold, the profit went to someone else. Jacob’s wages fluctuated 10 times. He ended up with two wives when he wanted only one. The one he loved couldn’t have children for years. Still, he didn't know if he’d be accepted back home.

Traveling with his large family, Jacob encountered a being along the way that calmed his fears. He recognized it to be the God of his forefathers he’d once seen in a dream (Genesis 28:10-21). God honored Jacob’s obedience to return home.

God’s proven faithfulness and mercy towards humanity are displayed through Jacob’s life. It is foretold repeatedly in the Bible that a king of kings, born out of Jacob’s family line, would bring hope, salvation, and righteousness to the whole earth. In our verse in Numbers, the king’s scepter represents the highest authority and as a star he would shine the light of truth through the darkness. That King is Jesus.

Like Jacob, when we live a life that honors God, who has allowed us to be part of His divine plan, our lives will turn out for the better. He even takes our hardships and uses them for good.

Father God, thank you for your faithfulness towards Jacob and his forefathers, and for giving us your son Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. Please fulfill your perfect purposes in my life and let me obediently follow you. In Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.

Go Deeper — Please read Genesis 28:10–21. You’ll be able to learn more about Jacob and God’s plan for his life. May it encourage you to obey God in His plan for yours.

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