Friday, April 27, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Digging Ditches



And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches. – 2 Kings 3:16

 I used to live in a part of the country where irrigation was necessary for crop production, and ditches were an integral part of the system. Water flowed along a main artery and into a network of smaller branches that carried the water into every part of the field. In order for such a system to work effectively, the irrigation ditches had to be free of obstructions. The furrow needed to run the whole length of the area needing water, and it had to be uninterrupted—no rocks in the way and no caved-in sides filling the trench. 

Sometimes we refer to praying as “digging.” We are seeking something from God; we have a goal or desire. And when we are earnestly petitioning the Lord for an answer to prayer, it can be hard work! It takes some effort and consecration, but if we want to get an answer, we must keep digging.

Sometimes as we are “digging” in prayer, we run into an obstacle that will keep us from moving forward. There might be a consecration that we think is impossible or we may feel that we do not have the faith to trust God with a certain situation. When we meet this kind of resistance, our tendency can be to try digging someplace else instead. But that is not digging a ditch; that is just digging holes! God’s Spirit can only flow through our lives once we have dug our ditches correctly and removed all blockages.

We have to get rid of anything in our lives that would hinder our walk with God. Maybe it is a financial restitution, a confession, or a bitterness we have held in our hearts against someone. We need to make these things right. Trying to ignore them and dig somewhere else will never work. When God reveals a barrier between us and the answer to our prayer, we cannot turn our backs on it. We must dig it out of the way!

We want the Spirit to be able to flow freely through our lives. Once we get the blockages out of our ditches, we will receive the desire of our heart!

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