Tuesday, January 2, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Invest in the Future



Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. – Matthew 6:20
Not too long ago, my wife and I decided to clean out our garage. For some people, the process of getting rid of old belongings can be kind of hard; we can become attached to possessions and think we could never do without them. However, as my wife and I began sorting through our stuff in the garage, I realized that most of it was a lot of junk. I wondered why we had even bought some of it in the first place.
Initially I thought we might have a garage sale and try to get a little money back for the items we no longer wanted. But I soon changed my mind, and we ended up just getting a dumpster and tossing most of the lot inside. As we filled it, I could not believe how much stuff we had collected over the years. It amazed me to think that we had actually paid money for items that we now considered junk!
There is a reason that Jesus told His followers to focus on procuring eternal goods rather than stockpiling for this life: the things we buy cannot be taken to Heaven with us. Some items we own stick around longer than others, but one day, they will all be totally worthless. However, that which we stockpile in Heaven—answered prayers, a close relationship with God, saved friends and family members—will be waiting there for us and will be ours forever. The value of those things will never diminish, and we will be able to enjoy them throughout eternity.
A lot of time and money went into buying the junk that had collected in our garage, and plenty of time went into emptying it as well! What a lesson about how unimportant earthly possessions will be in the long run. If we are wise, we will follow Jesus’ advice and invest our time and energy into treasures in Heaven.

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