Wednesday, January 10, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ A Chance to Serve



As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10
George had one of the deepest bass singing voices you or I are likely to hear, either in person or in recordings. He was also a quality violinist, and nearly sixty years ago, I had the privilege of going to our church’s printing plant to take lessons from him. Why the church printing plant? Because that is where he worked for his living. His life was completely dedicated to the Lord, and he wanted to serve Him in any way he could.
When World War II came along, George served in the United States Army as a chaplain’s assistant. At the end of the war he moved to Medford, Oregon, and began to preach in our church there. Then, an unfortunate camping accident left him with terrible burn scars on his face, hands, and fingers—that ended his violin playing. But George stayed just as committed to serving the Lord by whatever means he could. 
At the same time, half a world away, circumstances were unfolding that opened the door to another outreach for George. In Africa, a man with a small following was studying Apostolic Faith literature. They wondered if this was the religious organization with which they should affiliate. That created an urgent need for a missionary to go to Africa to help these people; someone with a solid Bible knowledge, whose life was completely dedicated to the Lord. That “someone” was George Hughes. 
We can look back now, many years later, at the results of his labors. The African Apostolic Faith has grown by leaps and bounds. There are more than one thousand of our churches on that continent, and many times that number of testimonies of God’s salvation. George never married, and his only relatives are some elderly cousins and their descendants, but what a heritage he left behind! All because he was totally committed to serving the Lord. 
Are our consecrations up-to-date? Are we ready to step in wherever the Lord might call us to labor for Him? Let’s watch for opportunities to do good for our fellowman. You never know, it could be that a new window of opportunity is opening somewhere, and the Lord wants you to fill it.

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