Friday, January 12, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Going for the Blessing



And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. – Genesis 32:26

It could not be put off another day. This afternoon, I had to embark on the necessary chore of purchasing tennis shoes worthy of school halls and gymnasium floors for two of my daughters.
I was optimistic as we passed through the doors of the local shoe store. This should not take long, I thought, and that seemed to be true. My youngest daughter found a pair within five minutes of looking and trying on. The other daughter, however, was not to be rushed. After fifteen minutes, she finally decided to try on a pair, but they were too wide. Wanting to help, I brought her some shoes she had previously admired. But they would not do either—they were white, she wanted black. The clock ticked on, until at last a shoe and foot felt and looked right together. It had taken quite a bit of time, but she found what she wanted and was satisfied with her new shoes. I marveled at her persistence.
Thinking about the experience, I realized that I often give up on trying to locate a specific item I am looking for, and end up settling for something less. Inevitably, I am unhappy with that purchase even before I arrive home. Finding exactly what I need takes more time, but I am usually pleased in the end.
This same idea can be applied to our prayer lives. When we come to the Lord seeking an answer to a hard situation, how often do we give up after a short prayer? Then, we go back to our daily tasks still feeling incomplete, unhappy, and lacking in satisfaction. We know God has not failed us, and yet, we did not find what we were looking for.
If this happens, we need to spend more time seeking God and conversing with Him. As we continue in persistent prayer without giving notice to time or worry, God will undertake. He has a solution for every concern of ours. We must seek Him until we receive exactly what He wants for us.

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