Sunday, January 21, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Jesus said - Follow Me



And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. – Matthew 4:19
Two drivers set out for a certain destination. One driver knew the way, but the other did not, so the one knowing the way took the lead. The driver of the second vehicle was conscious of staying close to the lead car to avoid others getting in between. He knew that if he lost sight of the car ahead, he might go in the wrong direction. When another vehicle happened to get in between the two cars, it was not for long. The driver who was following would pass that obstructing vehicle at the first opportunity in order to get close to the lead vehicle again.
Not only was the trailing driver doing his best to keep up, but the driver of the lead car was also always aware of his friend following behind. He did not go through yellow lights or do anything that would cause his friend to lose him. If he saw that the second car was having some difficulty, he would slow down to allow the other to catch up. If necessary, he would pull to the side to see if help was needed.
This is a lot like our relationship with Jesus. He has a perfect plan for our lives, and if we will follow Him, He will lead us to true joy on earth and eternity in Heaven. However, when we are following Jesus, it is important that we keep our eyes on Him at all times to be sure we do not lose our way. If something should come between us, we must overtake it at once, and get it behind us. We need to always stay as close to Him as we can.
Like the leader of the two cars, God also will not do anything to cause us to lose sight of Him. Instead, He gives us grace to continue no matter how our pathway turns. There will even be times when He will stop, pick us up, and carry us, if it is our sincere desire to follow Him all the way.
Jesus knows the way to Heaven. He is the only One who can take us there. May it be in our hearts to follow closely where He leads.

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