Saturday, January 27, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Hang On Tight



What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. – Psalm 56:3

On a day when there was no school, I took my nine-year-old granddaughter to the school playground to give her a chance to try playing on the bars. At the time, she was recovering from a fractured elbow and dislocated arm due to being kicked by a young horse. Her cast had recently been removed, but her arm was still weak, and she could not yet totally straighten it. Before her accident, she loved playing on the bars at school, so with permission from the doctor to do “anything a kid would do,” we headed over to the climbing structure.

She climbed up on the middle bar, but then lost her nerve. She asked if I would help her get back down. Knowing that I would not be with her on a normal school day, I instead encouraged her to do it on her own. She moved back close to a post and hung on, just sitting there. I coached her on how to get down, and although she was afraid at first, by following my directions she made it back to the lower bar where she successfully did a flip upside down. Then she let go with her hands and, hanging by her knees, touched the ground. She was able to get down easily from there.

This experience reminded me of how God helps us through situations that seem overwhelming. When we face tasks that are frightening to us, we may not know what to do at first, and the fear of making a mistake can be paralyzing. If we will only remember that God wants us to be like children when we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations! When we feel unsure of ourselves, the Lord is always right beside us, encouraging us to keep pressing on. He may not come in and miraculously take away our trials; He wants us to grow and learn from these experiences. But He will be our guide and help us each step of the way. All we have to do is hang on tight and follow His instructions.

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