Monday, December 11, 2017

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Faithfulness

December 11, 2017


His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. – Matthew 25:21

When delivering newspapers as a boy, I felt a certain satisfaction in throwing the paper in the exact location preferred by homeowners. That place was near the front door, where they could open the door and simply reach for the latest news lying at their feet. Now, years later, I wondered why our paperboy chose not to deliver his goods in the same way. Over a period of several months, I would find our newspaper not on the front porch, but just beyond the split rail fence, near the street. On rainy days, the paper would always be wrapped in plastic, but I still had to go outside the fence to pick it up. One day, the conclusion was reached to cancel the paper if the delivery location did not change soon.

Never before had I actually seen our paperboy, until one afternoon when I was driving down our street toward home. Slowing the car, I was taken aback by what I observed. He was a young man with a large bag full of rolled-up newspapers strapped over one shoulder. He obviously had a crippling handicap in his legs and arms, and was doing good just to walk. Moving slowly along, he would reach for a paper from his bag and do his best to pitch it toward the house to which he was delivering. As I turned into our driveway, he reached for another paper. Once again, he made his best effort to pitch the paper toward our house, and like many times before, it fell just beyond the fence. As I watched him shuffle down the street, there came a realization that this crippled gentleman was faithfully and consistently doing his best with what he had. We did not cancel the paper. 

As it is in most areas of life, in our Christian walk we tend to look at accomplishments. What great things have we done for the sake of the Gospel? Are we excelling in our work for Him? Looking at it that way, we may feel that our accomplishments seem small or inadequate. However, God looks much deeper than that. He weighs our efforts, and He delights in the consistent faithfulness found in His children doing their best for Him out of a pure heart. He knows our human limitations, and He will not quit on us as long as we keep putting forth our best effort for Him.


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