Sunday, December 24, 2017

🏳️‍🌈✝️ God’s Unspeakable Gift



Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. – 2 Corinthians 9:15

Christmas Day is almost here. Most of us have shopped, crafted, baked (or perhaps eaten), and wrapped many Christmas goodies, and now it is nearly time for the big day. The gifts we thoughtfully prepare are presented to our loved ones with lots of love, and we hope they are received in the same way. 

Everyone knows that choosing just the right Christmas gift is a challenge. Whether our list of family and friends is long or short, each one takes careful consideration. Finances, as well as likes and dislikes must be taken into account, and it is prudent to start planning early. Sometime during the gift-hunting process, we may reach a point where we wish we could just purchase a dozen of the same thing, such as socks, in different colors and sizes. Ah, then life would be so much simpler! But, it is “the thought that counts,” so we usually try to put in a little more thought than that.

Finding the right gift is a challenge because gifts are intended to express love, and there is no gift in the world that can express our love perfectly. Whether the recipient is one of our closest friends or barely an acquaintance, capturing our love for that person in a gift can be highly illusive. And yet, consider that God’s Gift to us was perfect. He did not randomly choose just anyone to be the Savior of the world—He chose His Son, knowing that He was the only One who could redeem mankind from sin. Jesus was the perfect expression of God’s love for the world. He was the perfect Gift. 

God’s Gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manager. God sent angels to announce to humble country shepherds that His Gift to the world had arrived. He placed a unique star in the sky, which would lead the Wise Men to the young Child. And He also planned a way for every person to receive the salvation that Jesus bought. Throughout this day, may we keep in mind the reason we are celebrating and exchanging gifts. 

Thank God for Jesus—His unspeakable Gift!


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