Wednesday, December 13, 2017

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Facing the Music

December 13, 2017


I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

 A young boy who was bored with waiting for a concert to begin wandered away from his distracted mother and ventured onto the stage where the piano stood tantalizingly accessible. It was not long until the waiting crowd turned in astonishment toward the stage as a youthful rendition of “Chopsticks” penetrated the din of voices. People began to call for someone to “take that kid away from there,” but even as the child’s mortified mother started toward the stage to retrieve her errant son, a tall, dignified figure stepped from behind the curtain. He strode up behind the boy who was completely engrossed in his simple performance. “Keep playing,” he whispered, as he slipped into place on the bench. Then, around the childish tune, the master pianist skillfully began to intertwine other notes, first delicately and intricately, then finally with dynamic force until the impromptu number ended with a standing ovation.

Inappropriate moves are not limited to children. Any one of us may make a poor decision and not even realize that we have over-stepped our boundaries. Like the child at the concert piano, we may be so engrossed with “our own thing” that we fail to see the problems we are causing others. What chagrin we feel when we start to understand our error. We realize that many people are upset at us and begin to feel the sting of our poor choices. But in that distressing moment, how often our Master comes and whispers, “Don’t give up. I’m here; I’ll help you.” 

Great embarrassment would have come to that young boy, except for the compassionate intervention of the master performer. Our Lord, as the Master of all things, can take even our errors and turn them into something of value in our lives.

When we realize we have made a mistake in some area of our lives, rather than trying to ignore it or cover it up, we can take it to the Lord. He will help us rectify the situation, and will also teach us how to avoid those mistakes in the future.

Dear Lord, I want to learn from You; I want to keep Your Word. But if I make an unwise choice, I want to realize and turn from my error. Help me to allow You to do beautiful things in my life.  

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