Sunday, June 3, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ God's Construction



For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. – Hebrews 3:4

The winding narrow road meandered playfully up the steep hillside toward the crest. On this panoramic plateau sat eight beautifully constructed and elegantly decorated homes. They radiated in the late afternoon sun as they opened their doors wide to welcome the thousands of tourists who came to view them. My friend and I joined the throng on the “Street of Dreams,” as it is widely known where we live. We could hardly wait to step inside the first showplace and admire the workmanship of the building and the creativity of the decorator. 

The first mansion was filled with beautifully polished furniture, soft lighting, lovely paintings, and the latest appliances. Each piece of man’s handiwork crafted to perfection sat in its appointed place to charm its audience. A small immaculate garden surrounded the front of the house displaying flowers to dazzle the eyes. It was breathtaking!

However, amid all this man-made beauty, something seemed to be missing. My friend put her finger on it when she called me over to look out a massive floor-to-ceiling window. We stood in awe, the house and furnishings forgotten. The glistening sky arrayed in vibrant streaks of orange and yellow was before us. Here, in all its beauty, was the most striking masterpiece of all: God’s creation. Man could never replicate or put a price tag on it!

Despite man’s technological advances that seem to constantly reach new heights, nothing man has made can compare to God’s handiwork. Not in its beauty, complexity, or perfection. Man mimics nature through art; God made the entire world, full of splendor that stretches as far as the eye can see. Science attempts to understand and repair sick bodies; God created our bodies, and He can heal them in an instant, too! Man-made structures eventually fade away or fall apart; when God makes something, it lasts. 

It is good to be proud of our own accomplishments and those of others, but let us never lose sight of Who deserves our deepest admiration. God is the One who merits our utmost praise, for He created all things!

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