Sunday, February 4, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ Light for the Journey



Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. – Psalm 119:105

 I enjoy the beauty of the cityscape in the morning as I cross the bridge on my commute downtown. The early light gives the city a warm glow, shows off the architecture, and sparkles on the water. One particular day, the look was quite different. As I approached the bridge, I saw that a bright, pure-white fog had enveloped the city and encircled the bridge like a tunnel. I could not see the skyscrapers or the river below, but only a short distance ahead and the width of the bridge itself. Although the thought of approaching vehicles was somewhat foreboding, there was a strange peace about the whole situation. The guiding lines of the roadway and the taillights of the cars before me were clearly visible. I knew that I could see just enough to arrive safely on the other side.

Later, I realized that the Christian life is very much like this. So many times we cannot see where our road leads. The actions of others and the onslaughts of the enemy threaten to harm us, and there is temptation to fear, but we need not. Instead, we can have peace in knowing that if we continue in the right direction we will be safe. God’s Word lights our path and His still small voice guides us saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21). The path of those who have gone before us confirms our navigation. Although we cannot see very far ahead, the trip is not dark and gloomy, nor is the path void of beauty. The Lord illuminates our way just enough to ensure our safe crossing into Heaven. We need only to follow His direction one step at a time.

Lord, help me observe the beauty in the journey and to trust You completely, even when I cannot see where the path may lead.

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