Saturday, February 3, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ God Never Forgets His Own



Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. – Isaiah 49:15

became a Christian as a teenager, while I was still living at home with my parents. Not very long after that, I started facing a lot of persecution from my family because of my faith. They did everything in their power to force me to renounce Christianity, but I knew the change that I had experienced, and I did not want to go back to my sinful past. The more I refused to yield to their arguments, the more they made my life at home miserable. I could not move out because I had just finished high school and was waiting for admission to a university.

Morning, noon, and night I prayed for God to deliver me from their persecution, but things only became worse. One day, I was feeling miserable because of my situation, and feeling like God had forgotten me because He had not stopped my parents. I walked outside and saw a hen with six chicks playing by our house. A few seconds later, the hen hovered over all her chicks just as a hawk was swooping down to grab one of them. As I was watching this scene, the Spirit of God spoke to my heart and said, “Look at that hen and how she protected her chicks from being hurt. If a hen can do that for her chicks, how much more will I protect you and care for you?” I ran back into our living room, opened my Bible arbitrarily, and read the first verse that caught my eyes—it was Isaiah 49:15. After reading the verse, joy and peace flooded my soul for the reassurance that God had not forgotten me.

Are you going through a difficult situation right now? Does it seem that God is not hearing your cries for help? Remember that He cares for us more than the hen that was ready to risk her life for her chicks. Keep looking up! He has not and will not forget you.

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