Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed], who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God.10/08/2018
I was during the first century, around AD 51 when Paul penned these letters. The reign of Roman Emperor Claudius was nearing its end and was full of debauchery, political deceit and finally, the assassination that brought Nero to power. Claudius had persecuted the Jews and he felt safe in the empire. Jews and Christians alike were shocked and repulsed by the increasing debauchery in the imperial household.
Claudius appointed Herod Agrippa II as king of Chalcis. This king was married to his sister, Bernice. This couple had become the focus of gossip throughout the empire. Even worse, Agrippa controlled politics and finances at the Temple in Jerusalem. The priests were corrupted by their unholy political alliance with both Roman and Herodian government. Jerusalem had fallen into utter corruption.
The Roman government was rapidly disappearing, being replaced by unscrupulous madmen creating the perception that danger lurked around every corner. It would not be long until Nero was in power. The Jewish priesthood was irreversibly corrupt, suggesting that Godβs judgment could be near.
Through all the upheaval, Paul assured the church that the βfalling awayβ had NOT happen. The translation of the Greek apostasia was regarded as the apostasy from the faith.
The mysterious βfalling awayβ didnβt happen throughout the first century. During this time the beginning and building of the church took place.
Throughout the reigns of Nero, Vespasian, Titus and Domition, (AD 54-96) with their infamous persecutions of the early church, this βfalling awayβ didnβt occur.
A shift of power away from Jewish control of the Holy Land continued. In AD 135, the emperor Hadrian saw the defeat of Jewish resistance. He renamed Jerusalem βAelia Capitolinaβ and Israel, βSyria Palestina.β The dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel had begun.
Even still, the βfalling awayβ hadnβt occurred. Paul said there would be a chain of events leading up to the βfalling awayβ. First, the βman of sinβ would seat himself in the Holy of Holies of the Jewish Temple, claiming to be God {II Thessalonians 2:4}.
The βman of sinβ has not done this yet. He hasnβt set in the Temple of God. Nor did he do so in the first century, before the Temple destruction in AD 70. After AD 135, Hadrian placed a pagan statue of Jupiter in the Temple βrebuilt versionβ of the Holy of Holies. He also placed a statue of himself on horseback standing before this obscene idol. This would be as close as we can come to finding an example of Paulβs prophecy. No man has ever set himself up in the Temple, proclaiming to be God.
A Test
In Second Thessalonians, Paul gave the believers of his time (and the believers of our own time) a test scenario. It is a specific set of instructions for determining whether or not the Day of the Lord had come. No believer would ever be able to teach that the Tribulation had already begun.A non-believer, following the rapture will be able to use Paulβs letter to confirm the Day of the Lord has in fact, begun.
It all starts with the βfalling away.β The term, βfalling away,β applies to the church. Those outside the church βthe unredeemedβ are already in a fallen state apostate in their belief systems. Their only real moral and ethical restraint comes from the little influence received from Judeo- Christian teaching.
Societies of the Western world are still deeply influenced by Christian βcharacterβ. It is faint, yet still discernible that the believing Church is still a force in society.
The Departure
From the prophecy of the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, it is well known that the Church Age will end in faithlessness or growing apostasy. The first of these churches β Ephesus β is the church characterized by apostolic zeal, as the Gospel is carried to an unbelieving world in the first century after Christ.The last church β Laodicea β has fallen from the faith, and is in danger of being rejected:
βThese are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of Godβs creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarmβneither hot nor coldβI am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, βI am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.β But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.β (Revelation 3:14-17).
Here, we find the latter-day church has come to depend upon its own wealth rather than the power of the Holy Spirit. It has isolated itself from the reason for the existence of the church: Salvation and the Gospel.
is an abbreviated summary of the lessons we can learn from the instruction God
gave each church:
(Revelation 2:1-7): Donβt lose your love for Godβs truth or His people.
(Revelation 2:8-11): Remain faithful in the face of tribulation and poverty.
(Revelation 2:12-17): Resist Satanβs influence, even to death, if necessary.
(Revelation 2:18-29): Resist false teaching.
(Revelation 3:1-6): Remain zealous and pure in conduct.
(Revelation 3:7-13): Persevere and walk through the doors God opens.
Don't let yourself get caught up in the Name it and Claim FALSE TEACHING of these MEGA CHURCH "PROSPERITY" FAKE TEACHERS!!! From our previous lesson we learned that it is God's will that His children prosper and be in health ONLY as their SOUL PROSPERS. If you are not growing in the Lord daily you are not fulfilling the last half of this promise.
Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. 3 John 1:12 AMP
case you missed day One here is the
link, the Falling Away Day One of Six
Day Four here is the link, the Falling Away Day Four of Six
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